Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5th anniversary coverage?

I'm pulling samples for class on coverage of the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. I'm a big fan of these two:
- Reuters' "Bearing Witness" -- to me, a great example of what we can accomplish in multimedia
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's "5 Years in Iraq" -- to me, a great example of what local news ought to be and how you can effectively localize a major international story. It has its limitations (long cutlines on slideshows, not enough self-directed audio), but I do like the inclusion of polling and Meg Jones' blog. She always has seemed to know exactly why she was over there.
What are you seeing, liking and disliking?
Also, does anyone have links or screen captures from the 5th anniversary of 9/11? I'd like to compare the two.

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